Should I Get a Vehicle Wrap?
With the new year upon us, you may be considering your strategy for business and marketing in the months ahead. We’re sure you’ve thought about a vehicle wrap before, but pulling the trigger is another story. Maybe you don’t have the appetite to go all out converting your vehicle to a 24/7 advertisement, or maybe you just don’t know if it’s worth the money. These are all valid concerns, so we’ve put together a list of a few questions that will hopefully help you arrive at a decision either now or in the future. While we are big fans of vehicle wraps, we understand they may not be right for everyone and want to make sure you make the right decision for you and your business!
1. How much are you driving near where your customers are?
Sometimes it’s so easy to get wrapped up (pun intended) into the idea of a vehicle wrap that you forget to consider the concept through the lens of your customer. You may be going back and forth about if and how you want to turn your vehicle into a moving billboard that you drift away from normal business thinking. If your job doesn’t require much travel, and/or you live outside of urban areas, a wrap probably isn’t the best idea for you. However, if you are consistently driving in and around areas that are highly concentrated with people, you may be more inclined to capture those impressions with a vehicle wrap.
2. Does your sales process rely on being top of mind to your customers?
“Top of mind” businesses, such as painters, pest control companies, landscapers and the like understand the importance of “being there when you’re ready for them,” which is why you will see a lot of them utilizing vehicle wrap advertising. If you’re in this industry, you already know that it’s a constant battle for the mind of each consumer. You know they will need your services at some point, even if it’s 6 years down the road. Because of this, getting a vehicle wrap can be a lifesaver investment, especially if you drive near your customer base frequently and take time to design a good vehicle wrap.
3. How likely is a customer to call after seeing your wrap?
Is your business one that someone driving or standing on the street might be prompted to call immediately upon seeing your wrap? Perhaps you can include a special phone number with a discount a potential customer could call after seeing your wrap. If this strategy is paired with a type of business that could warrant an impromptu call based on your service offering, this can be a very effective strategy. For example, a computer repair company might offer a promo phone number on its vehicle wrap. A bystander may be prompted to call when their laptop is malfunctioning, since their specific problem wasn’t urgent enough to seek out repair work as soon as the computer broke down. In this case, the wrap and discount may prompt action by the bystander and lead to the sale.
If you are still unsure if a wrap is right for you, hop on over to our contact page or give us a call! You can also view our vehicle wraps here and learn more about what makes a great vehicle wrap.