Good communication is the backbone of every relationship you have in your personal life. The same stays true in business. Without proper communication, the potential for misunderstanding and miscommunication multiplies.
In theory, the pillars of effective communication are pretty straightforward:
- Listen
- Be empathetic
- Act
In practice, learning how to communicate with customers and attend to their needs promptly is always a challenge. That’s why we’ve made communication a priority here at Pacific Truck Colors, and we strive to improve ourselves constantly. Here’s how.
We Make Communication a Priority in Our Business
Improving the communication with your customers shouldn’t be that difficult if you remember this golden rule: make it easy for customers to connect with you. Whether it’s a phone number, an email address or a social media link, always give your customers a way to contact you easily.
When it comes to customer communication, we here at Pacific Truck Colors have some clear guidelines: we return all customer calls, emails, and messages promptly, and we follow up on their satisfaction regularly.
We Ask the Right Questions
Getting to know what your customers need is easier than you might think. In many instances, it means you need to ask the right kind of questions. Consider the case of a customer who is unhappy with the quality of the service you offered. If you don’t ask the right question, you may never get to the root of the problem and improve yourself. Maybe they are unhappy because the project took longer than expected or maybe your employees were rude. The only way to find out and fix the problem is to ask the right question.
We Combine Different Communication Methods
In today’s interconnected world, where every aspect of life is carefully documented online, you have no excuse for not communicating with your customers properly. Create accounts on various social media platforms and use them to engage with your customers and build a lasting relationship with them. For instance, we here at Pacific Truck Colors use several social profiles, our blog, and our email newsletter to communicate with our customers and keep them up to date with our actions and offers.
We Use the Feedback We Receive
If you’ve made communication a priority, then you are probably receiving feedback regularly from your customers without asking for it through formal methods. That’s great. Just think about it: companies usually pay thousands of dollars to learn their customers’ desires. You are getting this information for free. Use the feedback you receive to change and improve your services. Set some time aside at the end of every month to collect and analyze the feedback and establish a course of action.
We Keep Customers Informed
Here at Pacific Truck Colors, we use various channels to get the word out to our customers. We can use text messaging to communicate information about their appointments or to let them know the status of a project. And, we use social media and email marketing to keep them up to date with our latest projects and offers.
Effective communication can just as well be the most important skill you use in your business. That’s why we strive to make it a priority here at Pacific Truck Colors!
If you are interested in our services, get in touch with us or request a quote.